Psychiatry classes for FMGE students at Kings
Kings International Medical Academy is currently conducting intensive FMGE classes for the upcoming exam, featuring top-notch faculty in the medical field. Dr. Mohan Sunil Kumar recently conducted classes on Psychiatry, with a focus on Delusional Disorder, a prominent topic in the subject.
Delusional Disorder
A delusion is a fixed false belief based on an inaccurate interpretation of an external reality despite evidence to the contrary. The belief is not congruent with one’s culture or subculture, and almost everyone else knows it to be false.
The diagnosis of a delusional disorder occurs when a person has one or more non-bizarre (situations that can take place in real life, although not real but are possible) delusional thought for one month or more, that has no explanation by another physiological, substance-induced, medical condition or any other mental health condition. An individual's cultural beliefs merit consideration before coming to the diagnosis. Cultural beliefs also impact the content of delusions. Other than the delusions(s) the functionality is not impacted, and behaviour is not obviously bizarre.
Persistent delusional Disorder
Delusion | Schizophrenia |
Delusions | Delusion + Psychopath |
Simple | Complex / Bizarres |
DSM - > 1 month
ICD - > 6 Month
Depressive Disorder
Depression - Clinical s°
1. Energy ↓
2. Mood ↓
3. Interest ↓
Symptoms for > 2weeks or more
Pervasive & persistence
5/9 should be present
Objective signs
1. Veraguth fold
2. Omega sign