FSM classes for FMGE 2023 at Kings
The rate of failure among Indian students in the FMGE (Foreign Medical Graduate Examination) is high, which is often attributed to the lack of necessary skills for practicing medicine in India. This exam has become increasingly competitive over the years, with only the best candidates being selected after a rigorous assessment process. However, with a significant shortage of doctors in the country, the failure of medical degree holders to qualify in the FMGE will only exacerbate the problem for patients. Therefore, passing the FMGE is not only crucial for a student's medical career but also for the betterment of the country's healthcare system. While self-study is vital, seeking guidance from experienced professionals can enhance the learning experience. Kings International Medical Academy (KIMA) provides high-quality coaching for FMGE to foreign medical graduates from various countries, aiming to help them achieve success in the exam. Dr. Akhilesh, a leading faculty in our country gave an insight into the subject of FSM.
Blood stains – Confirmatory
Teichman- Hemin crystal- Brown-Rhombic
Takayama- Hemochromygen- Pink feathery
Spectroscopy- m.specific test
Semen :
1. Florence- choline- brown Rhombic
2. Barbarios test- Spermine crystal → Yellow needle
3. Most specific test- LDH (Lactate dehydrogenase)
Abrasion types- loss of epidermis
1. Grazed abrasion- sliding → m/c RTA aka Brush burn
2. Imprint abrasion/ patterned- Tyre mark on body
3. Battle sign- middle cranial fossa # → Bruise on mastoid tip aka (contusion) @ dermis
→Migratory bruise
→Ectopic bruise
4. Tramline bruiseo → ex of patterned bruise- Ex. Baby (pinching), Butterfly bruise
Split laceration → Epi+D+Sct
→ Incision lokking laceration → lens → crushed bulb
1. Scalp
2. Fore-head
3. Eye-brow
4. Chin
5. Elbow
6. Iliac crest
7. Shin
EDH – I-DALY shape → Biconvex SDH → Sickle-shaped
↓ Exclusively by trauma
MMA Lucid interval
Medical negligence
ICH – Intra Cerebral Hem → BP↑ → Putamen
Motorcyclist Injuries or motorcyclist # aka Hinge type
Pedestrian Injuries
1. Primary impact injuries- First contact – leg → Bumper
2. Secondary impact injuries → same vehicle → 2nd impact → Bonnet, Glass
3. Tertiary impact injuies aka 2° Injuries/ Ground → Tyre mark, multiple grazed abrasion
(Injury by object other than same vehicle)
M/C Organ damaged:
Blunt- Spleen
Penetrating- Liver
Blast- Tympanic membrane – lung- fatal
Marshall Triad:
Blast Injury
1° = Blast injury= Air compression→ Tympanic membrane- Lung
2° = Blast injury= Flying object/missile → Patterned abrasion
3° = Blast injury= Ground and skeletal → Patterned contusion
4° = Blast injury= Burn/flame → Patterned laceration
PM finding- Hanging → India → judicial hanging
Mostly suicidal if Homicidal → Lynching
Neck → External features
Ligature- oblique
Abrasion- pressure
Above- Thyroid
Dissection- pale- Glistening
AM Hanging- most common → dripping of saliva- opposite side of knot
Strangulation – Neck compression
Constrictions of neck
1. Ligature S+ → PM findings
2. Manual S+ → Throttling
3. Bend of elbow/ forearm→ mugging
4. Bamboo sticks → Bonsdola
5. Garroting → Judicial in Spain
PM findings:
Ligature mark – Complete transverse
Level- Below or thyroid
Peri-ligature injuries and on dissection
Asphyxia signs → more-prominent
Throttling always – Homicidal, Hyoid (m/c)
External – neck
1. Abrasion → finger nail – semilunar
2. Bruises→ fingertip → six penny bruises- after dissection→ Hematoma